Wire Fox Terriers
About Us
My First wire was a family pet and she easily convinced
everyone that she was "one of the kids". After Brandy helped us to raise 3 kids, I was sold on the breed. When I decided to show dogs, there was no other choice for me. I have been breeding and showing Wire Fox Terriers for 46 years I have bred more than 80 AKC Champions including Best in Show, Group Winning and Placing Wires, most of them owner handled. Best of all, these dogs all make wonderful companions. I place great emphasis on temperment, health and then beauty and feel that my dogs reflect that effort.
Member of:
Wright County Mn Kennel Club, Vice President
American Fox Terrier Club
* Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States
(Board member, former president)
* Greater Twin Cities Fox Terrier Club, President
Active member in several other all-breed
Kennel clubs, USA
The Wire Fox Terrier...
The Wire Fox Terrier is a small black, brown and white disturbance which afflicts and delights many families. The Fox Terrier has straight legs, an active expressive face, a lean well-shaped head, talkative eyes and a nose which leads it from one misdemeanor to another. Originally he had a liberal tail, but it has been revised and edited by man. This was done because when a Fox Terrier's tail was as active as his head, it took two people to watch him. The wire Fox Terrier is a house pet, and is clean and dainty in his habits. He lives on meat, milk, potatoes, mice, old shoes, curtains, books, hats and tablecloths. In return for this diet, he guards the house with unremitting ferocity. No burglar can come near without dislodging an eruption of barks from the faithful dog. He also guards the house against all cats, dogs, taxicabs, late pedestrians, dead leaves and moonbeams which may chance to pass at night. The Wire Fox Terrier is vivacious, audacious, ingenious, merciful, hysterical, wheedlesome, companionable, affectionate, optimistic, fickle, restless and irrepressible. He is, in fact the Chorus Girl of the dog family.

Virginia Matanic, Maple Plain Minnesota.
Wire Fox Terrier told to me by Ch. Briarlea's sometimes a Lady
1. If I like it, it's mine.
2. If it is in my mouth, it's mine.
3. If I can take it from you, it's mine.
4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
5. If I'm chewing something up, all of the pieces are mine.
6. If it looks like mine, it's mine.
7. If I saw it first, it's mine.
8. If you are playing with something and put it down, it's mine.
9. If it is broken, it's yours.
Due to the coronavirus, we are not planning on having any puppies in 2020. The stay home rules make it difficult to socialize the pups and give them the proper vet care. We are at this point planning on having a couple of litters in 2021, probably in the spring. Please keep in touch by checking this website, as I will update it as soon as I breed my girls.